Photo Gallery |
Hello and welcome to our web page. -------------------------- Dec 24, 2006 -------------------------- Well, another year has come and gone. The kids are growing up fast! Just posted our Christmas letter for this year. And we have added are few more photos to our gallery this past year, so feel free to take a peak. -------------------------- Dec 20, 2005 -------------------------- Wow, another year is quickly coming to a close. Our Christmas letter for this year is posted. And check out some recent photos we've posted for 2005 in our photo gallery. -------------------------- Dec 24, 2004 -------------------------- The past few months have been most enjoyable as we watch Serena grow before our lives. Recent photos have been added to our photo gallery. Also, I've just posted our Christmas letter for the year. -------------------------- Sept 12, 2004 -------------------------- It has been quite awhile since I've updated our webpage. But much has happened in the meantime. Recently I bought a new digital camera - the Nikon D70, replacing (but not retiring) our old Canon G1. I'll be posting more photos with the camera. We are very excited in having a new member to our family as of the Sept 2004. I'll be posting photos along the way when I have time. You can check out our photo galleries by clicking on the Photo Gallery link.
Here are some links... Since Jan 27, 2003,
you are Visitor No: This page was last updated on December 24, 2006 03:23 AM.